Riocan OPA
Master Planning
1966-2050 Eglinton Avenue East, Scarborough, Ontario
1,153,945 ft²
The RioCan Scarborough Centre Phase 1 project is a proposed RioCan development located on the northwest corner of Eglinton Avenue East and Thermos Road in Scarborough, Ontario. Phase 1 of the project relates specifically to Block 1 (buildings A1 and A2) and Block 2 (buildings B1 and B2) as well as the new public park.
The first phase of development of RioCan Scarborough Centre will facilitate the development of an intensified mixed-use, transit supportive community in the Golden Mile area, consisting of two development blocks containing buildings ranging in height from 12 to 48 storeys, new streets and a public park.
The proposal will revitalize the Site by demolishing the existing commercial buildings and related surface parking areas over time as lease and business obligations permit. They will be replaced with a new mixed-use development consisting of mid to tall buildings (12 to 48 storeys) containing 2,434 residential units, ground floor commercial space (4,304 m2), and a new and engaging public realm complete with new public streets and a large public park
The first development phase will introduce 190,718 square metres of gross floor area to the Property of which 186,414 square metres will be residential and 4,304 square metres will be non-residential gross floor area. The proposed first phase of development will introduce approximately 2,434 new dwelling units in a variety of dwelling types and a new 19,433 square metre public park. The first development phase of the Property represents approximately 20% of the total area of the RioCan Scarborough Centre land holding (total site areas: 10.7 hectares).
Building A1 is proposed to be two towers (42 storeys and 48 storeys) and an 8 storey podium. The building will have 967 residential units and a gross floor area of approximately 74,259 sqm.
Building A2 is a proposed 25 storey tower with an 8 storey extended podium. The building will have 378 residential units and a gross floor area of approximately 26,486 sqm.
Building B1 is proposed to be two towers (34 storeys and 36 storeys) with an 8 storey podium. The building will have 752 residential units and a gross floor area of approximately 56,503 sqm.
Building B2 is a proposed 11 storey mid-rise. The building will have 289 residential units and a gross floor area of 25,898 sqm.
Three new public streets are proposed. Along the eastern property line is New N-S Street #10, a north-south oriented street with a right-of-way of 23.0 metres that connects Ashtonbee Road and Eglinton Avenue East. Bisecting the Property in an east-west orientation is a segment of Golden Mile Boulevard, being a new street with a right-of-way of 27.0 metres that has been designed in accordance with its connection through lands to the east and west of the Property. Lastly, New N-S Street #9 connects Eglinton Avenue East to Golden Mile Boulevard to the west of New N-S Street #10, having a right-of-way of 20.0 metres. Put this and the next 2 bullet points at the end of the entire description.
The development blocks and building parcels are largely shaped by a network of new public streets that will be conveyed to the City of Toronto. All existing and future public street frontages are designed to be framed with either residential or non-residential uses to assist in activating and animating the public realm.
The Landscape Plan, illustrates new public sidewalks, tree-lined streets and outdoor publicly-accessible plazas, that will seamlessly blend with the adjacent public sidewalks.